Cyber Monday or Black Friday? #mondayblogs

cyber monday


Hey guys! Wow I am behind on blogging, huh? November has been CRAZY!

  1. Got laid off on day job – fun times!
  2. NANOWRIMO Attempted
  3. Finished all of Supernatural – after having just started in June!
  4. Migrated my LMC site to
  5. Thanksgiving happened

So yeah, cra-cra busy! December is going to be even more huge!

But at least with the migration complete, and NANO out of the way I can focus on more than one thing, which is how I like to roll.

So let’s catch up! Leave a comment down below what YOU’VE been up to!

But today’s post is really about what happens after turkey day! All the shopping!

So did you guys find a better deal on Black Friday in the stores or online today at Cyber Monday?

I’m kind of curious if the Cyborgs are more of a deal than the Black Friday mobs 😉

Though I learned the best way to save money this year is by not having any at all to spend with!

But of course, the true spirit of the season is what money can’t buy.

Cyber Monday or Black Friday? #mondayblogs was originally published on LMC

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